The Irresistible

Proposition Gives You…

Pre-Wedding Gift Value

$1020 FREE

Concerned about payment?

Buy what you love now, Pay Later with

Time and flexibility are on your side. 

 Get what you want and break the

payments up over weeks or even months.

Still on the fence?

Just so you know, you're under no obligation

to accept anything you don't want from us.

But let me tell you, we're like a clingy ex

- we ONLY want you if you're 110% all in.

And if you're not, we'll cry into a tub of

Tip Top ice cream and binge-watch rom-coms until

we find someone else who's as committed as we are.

But seriously, we're not here to waste anyone's time

- if you're not feeling it, we'll gracefully accept

that and move on.

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